Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Am I psychic...or just psychotic?

Ever have a premonition? Something you "Saw" happen before it actually happened? I can't say I have, but I can't shake this feeling I have had all day. It started sometime this afternoon and it is now just past 4am and I just can''t shake it. I can't pinpoint exactly what my gut is telling me but it's a horrible doom-like feeling, like something really terrible is going to happen. I've never felt something like this before and if I didn't feel it prior to 9/11 then I would have to say I'm leaning more towards psychotic.

While I would love to hear you all say no to the following question, that I am just being silly so as to ease my stomach I am wondering if anyone out there has ever had a true premonition or psychic experience? While we're on the topic, what about seeing ghosts or any other similar phenomenon? Just curious to hear of your experiences or thoughts on the subject.

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