Entry for May 08, 2006
The question that seems to be on a lot of minds……Why do you decide to become an escort? It is obviously not something you grow up hoping to become. I have heard all of the assumptions out there. Drugs. Poor upbringing. Financial distress. Just plain messed up life. Well I hope to be able to break the chain of thought by saying that for me it was as logical of a decision as it would be to decide to wear a tee-shirt in the summer.
There comes a point in ones life that you analyze just where you stand in the grand scheme of things. Am I where I thought I would be five years ago? Have I reached any goals I set out to reach? Do I make a difference in this world? And most importantly… Am I happy? We all have a need in our lives to feel wanted by the opposite sex. To be complimented and yearned for. To be noticed for our ability to put a smile on another.
I know what this business comes down to, what the bottom line is. But inside of all of that is something so much more for me. I know that for some widowed gentlemen I have become what my title intends me to be, a companion. Someone to talk to, to take notice of their existence. Someone to share their thoughts with. For some divorced men I have become a stepping stone. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. They have lost their future but are not quite ready to plan for a new one. But they need that link between the two. For some married men I have become their zest, their breath of fresh air. I am able to let them feel young again, revived and sexually energized.
For the single gents I have become their sense of adventure. I have helped them to explore the unknown, to be more aware of a womans’ body…her senses and her pleasures. And for everyone else in between….it’s all about having a good time. So in answer to all of my own deep questions, yes….I have become all that I thought I would be and most importantly, I am happy doing it!
1 comment:
This is such a true statement i find your blog entries informative, deep, and refreshing you say the things others won't thank you
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