Belle’s Blog
“Belle De Jour” is a paperback that was given to me as a gift from a client. Apparently the book was preceeded by the film although I have yet to aquire a copy. It is supposedly written (and I say supposedly because there is quite a controversy over this) by a high end London Courtesan. It is a diary of sorts that describe the different lifestyle a courtesan leads as well as the challenge of having a personal life outside of the adult business. It is here that the idea of a “Belle’s Blog” page on my website came to be.
I love to write and to read, to try to see the world through anothers’ eyes. Here, I hope to help you see my world through my eyes. I will post most every day, but just what I will post is yet to be known. My thoughts on life, my experiences, my dreams, my happiness and my fears perhaps. A joke, or an opinion, a “strange but true” story or just a “Hello, is there anyone reading this” post. I would love to hear your feedback so please don’t hold back!
So here it is, my first blog entry:
May 3rd, 2006
GFE. It’s such a common expression, so much so it has become almost a demand. But just what is it they expect of me when I say that yes, I am a GFE? They call it the girlfriend experience but I can assure you it is not the girlfriend part they want. I wonder what they would say if I entered the room and just started bitching about the porn on the tv and smell of alcohol on their breath! Or maybe when they ask me about restrictions I should tell them they must say that they love me first and I need to be cuddled as I cry afterwards. Or even better, I will question them about every girl they have ever been with, how much money they make and their views on children before my clothes come off!
No, I am not a GFE after all as I think it’s the Non- GFE they are really wanting me to be! I could care less what they do for a living, if they yearn for parenthood or if they have ever been in love. I do care that they respect or time together, but that should go without saying….or so you would think! For me, it’s all about chemistry. A man, a woman (or 2 if I’m lucky) and body heat! I know you’re rolling your eyes thinking “Whatever, it’s all about the money!” and for some it may just be but to you I can only say that for me it is so much more.
I’m not 18 but 31. I have lived on the streets, travelled through Canada at 15 with no money for a few months, worked full time in a great paying job for 10 years and am raising 4 children , I own my own home, 2 vehicles, an RRSP plan and vacation every year. No, I am not 18 but I still have so much to learn…about love, life, you and me. So let the journey begin, Cheers!
(I have added this as a side note to just say that while I speak of no emotion I admit that the best of experiences must involve a certain amount of emotion to fully appreciate the moment. It is not that I am cold or that I do not involve myself emotionally during a meet but more to say that when that door closes behind me, so does the emotion. It has to be that way as it protects me personally and allows me to enjoy those experiences each and every time.)
1 comment:
This is interesting. I stumbled upon this page as i was trying to understand some abbreviations for words. I enjoyed what u had to say about life, love, and the challenges with emotions and/or the lack there of. I am also 31.I have lived an interesting life,and in someways not so interesting.Perhaps one day I can meet you-though it would not be for an "encounter".I am not seeking that. Neither am I seeking entertainment.Perhaps,this blog has me thinking about what I am always thinking about-journeys and understandings into the human psyche through indulging in the senses.I hope that you are well,and that your experiences in life have brought peace.I will continue to read your piece every so often and comment. Thank you for what u write.
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