Saturday, March 24, 2007

My life vs. a non-escort's life

I have been thinking lately about how society as a whole views escorting and have come to realize that the life I live as an escort really is not that much different from how most young single women live their lives. So let’s break down my day and you tell me how different my life really is from most other 32 year old single women.

1) I wake up, drive to Timmies for my morning tea, return home and light a cigarette while I wait for my computer to boot. Hmmm, Ok, maybe most women make their own tea. That doesn’t make me a bad person, maybe just a lazy one.

2) I check my emails. Ok, most of my emails are men asking me to have sex with them where as most young single women wish most of their emails were from men asking to have sex with them. That doesn’t make me a bad person, just a lucky one.

3) I shower and shave, give my hair a toss and put a little color on my lips. Most single women shower, shave, moisturize, blow dry and curl their hair, apply 3 layers of makeup, douse in perfume, and dress provocatively in the hopes of getting laid. I dress down and know I am getting laid. This doesn’t make me a bad person, it just reiterates the fact that I am as above: Lazy and lucky!

4) I get plenty of sex, so when I visit the gym I do so to relax in the hot tub. Most single women go to the gym in hopes of finding sex, their idea of relaxing is the cigarette they get to smoke after the act if they are successful. That doesn’t make me a bad person, just a relaxed one….and my exercise comes with much more pleasure than a treadmill could ever provide! And as for the cigarette….I sometimes even get to smoke DURING the act, another “lucky” stroke for me!

5) I make sure my purse has condoms in it before I leave the house when I know that sex is of high probability. I would like to think that most young single women do this too. That doesn’t make me a bad person, but a safe and smart one. And my condoms are flavored which shows I have more taste than most young single women!

6) I go to work five days a week. Yes, a real job outside of my escorting. Hmmm, again it sounds like something most young single women do. Maybe not only am I an escort…but I am “real” too! Is it possible that I am very much like most young single women? Surely not….. I am an escort ….I must be a bad person. Let’s carry on.

7) I go out to hang with friends, have a beer or two and a few laughs. Ok, so most of those friends I have slept with. Most young single women…. they do not speak to men they have had sex with in their past. Think about it. How many young single women do you know that have sex with men, end that sexual relationship with them then hang out together? I don't involve emotion which allows me to avoid awkward "after-sex" moments. Not expectations afterwards=no awkward "after-sex" moments. That doesn’t make me a bad person, just a mature one perhaps.

8) I go to strip clubs. In my defense….I hear this is a growing phenomenon with young single women! (Just go with me on this one, ok?) Does that make me a bad person? I would prefer to think of it as a sexually confident person who can appreciate the art of a woman’s body. Ok, and perhaps a little risqué, not that there is anything wrong with that!

9) I don’t have relationships with the men I sleep with. Do many single young women do this anymore? I think casual sex is becoming more the norm. And for the ones that do have relationships……why? So you can get all emotional? So jealousy can set in and you wonder every time he runs late if he is sleeping with someone else? To tell your life story, having to explain who you are, where you come from and where you’re headed in life all for him to decide he doesn’t approve of you and your choices in life. Me, I have nothing to explain. The men I see…..they know all that they need to know about me, before they even meet me! If they don’t accept me, they have made that decision without me even knowing it! No relationship=no pressure. Does this make me a bad person? No, just an emotionally guarded but sexually satisfied one.

10) I get paid for sex. Most single young women obviously do not. This seems to be the big issue. First of all, every woman who is having sex, is getting paid for it, just indirectly. Do you think if you walked up to a young single woman and asked her to have sex with you she would say yes? Likely not. You would have to ask her out for dinner at least once, a few drinks, the movies, a walk on the beach, candlelight, a few more drinks…..all those things you really don’t care to do not to mention it’s time consuming. My arrangement as an escort just speeds up the process. The same amount of money involved but we cut the bullshit. That does not make me a bad person but one that values her time and her self worth…..and doesn’t care much for beaches.

So, as I see it I am lazy and not big on beaches. But I am also a lucky, relaxed, more lucky, safe, smart, real, mature, sexually confident, risqué, emotionally guarded, sexually satisfied young woman who values her time and self worth. Can most young single women say they are all of the above? I really hope they can. I may not always be as I have described but I can say that the last thing I am is a bad person.

Now if I could just convince 6,525,170,264 people (the world’s population as of July 2006 according to … nt/xx.html) just how much I am like them my mission will be accomplished. Excuse me while I brush up on my Arabic, thank God I speak Greek so well. Russian will be most difficult for me though, I think I may need a translator!


james83 said...

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Natalie Voronova said...

It seems that you are really having fun with escorting and are seeing the good sides of it. Best of luck to you. <3

Darwin Girls said...

It does have some advantages and disadvantages. It's great that you are seeing the good aspects of escorting instead of dwelling on the bad sides. I'm sure most Darwin Escorts are doing the same thing as you. :)

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