Ok, my first week has come and gone and I have survived. Now it is time to put some pictures up because let’s face it…….not too many are willing to set up a sexual encounter with a woman sight unseen. The agency owner typically does the girls photo shoots but I had a real problem with that. I asked if it would be okay if I submitted my own and he was okay with that.
Once again I call my friend and ask his help. He is very computer savvy so I know that editing my pics will not be a problem. Not that I wanted them to look unlike me but just some touching up. So he booked a room for us to use for the shoot. We planned on making this an all day event as I knew it would take some time to loosen up to the camera.
Close to 7 hours we spent in that room and walked away with about 4 pictures out of the 400 that were taken that I would allow to be posted on the agency’s web site. Just how do you “look sexy” when asked to do so? What does sexy look like? I took some time to search many agency line-ups trying to see just how I should pose and what I should wear. This is when Belle’s persona was born.
I had to think about just why I was getting into this business. Then I had to ask myself how to go about getting out of this experience just what I am looking for. My life prior to escorting was safe. It was comfortable, predictable and safe. I lacked the passion that every woman desires. I yearned for a man to wrap me in his arms, kiss me ever so passionately and make me feel like he wants no other. It is funny because I have come to learn that that is exactly what most hobbying men out there do this for too. But how do I relate that through my pictures?
Lying naked with my legs spread is just not my thing. I did not want to exploit myself or appear to be desperate. I think that some things should be left to the imagination. I have never tried to hide that my body is not perfect but also show confidence that I love my body. For the first time in my life I accept me for who I am and would only want the gentlemen that would be seeing me to feel the same.
My first set of pictures were very conservative. It is difficult to show some of you but not all of you, appear sexy but not sleezy and all the while knowing that your smile does you no good as it will be plastered with pixels anyways!
My pictures done, I walk out of the room with a disc of 4 pictures. Not bad for 7 hours I thought! I downloaded them to my computer to post on the review boards and forwarded them to the agency. While waiting for them to finally get them up on the site I made my first post with my picture.
Not too much activity on the boards lately so I thought I'd create a little something to talk about. OK Boys and Girls, you asked for them so here they are! Little time to get some great shots done but hope these will do for now. (Have to leave some things to the imagination!) I'll be booked on for Tuesday and Wednesday from 2pm till 2am at (Agency and owner's names edited) so give them a call for bookings or feel free to PM me anytime. Here's to having a great time getting to know all of you... *** Hugs and Kisses, Belle ***
And then I sat and waited. I called my photographer and sat on the phone about 2 hours and I kept refreshing the page telling reciting to him just how many people had seen me naked. The thought of knowing that people are sizing me up, comparing me to other women was a very uneasy feeling at first. Of course I have gotten used to it now and it no longer bothers me but it did take some getting used to.
And that was my first week. One bad call and a 7 hour photo shoot. Now I just had to wait and see if the phone would ring. To my surprise it did, and quite often but I will save that for tomorrows post!
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